Word Scrambles for Kids
Word scrambles are a fun and educational way to help improve vocabulary skills. Download and print at home. There are different puzzles, each with a different theme.
Recommended: Check out our Printable Puzzle Books Collection to download and print.
Also try these puzzle makers to make your own custom printable puzzles.
Need Help? To get started, check out these instructions, goals and rules for how to solve puzzles
- Black History Month Word Scramble
- Fairy Tale Word Scramble
- Ash Wednesday Word Scramble
- St. Patrick’s Day Word Scramble
- Ocean Animals Word Scramble
- President's Day Word Scramble
- Earth Day Word Scramble
- Winter Word Scramble
- Weather Word Scramble
- April Word Scramble
- Seasons Word Scramble
- Dinosaur Word Scramble
- Dog Breeds Word Scramble
- Personal Hygiene Word Scramble
- Valentine's Day Word Scramble
- Periodic Table Word Scramble
- Juneteenth Word Scramble
- Girl Scout Word Scramble
- The Royal Family Word Scramble
- Cinco de Mayo Word Scramble
- First Nations Word Scramble
Have fun working together as a family to unscramble the words and unlock the hidden phrases! With themes like animals, food, and dinosaurs, Autumn, there is something for everyone. These no prep printable puzzles are easy to put together.