Catholic Crossword

Download free printable Catholic Crossword PDF to print on letter size paper.

Catholic Crossword

Catholic Crossword is a fun and educational activity for your kids that will also help them grow in their faith.

Packed with puzzles, challenges, and clues that will engage and entertain your little ones, our Catholic Crossword printable is a great way to teach them about the traditions and teachings of Catholicism.

You can download and print it out right now. So don't wait any longer - download and print our Catholic Crossword printable puzzle today!

Words List:
mary, the mother of jesus., mass, the central act of worship in the catholic church., pope, the head of the roman catholic church., relic, a sacred object or image that is believed to possess spiritual power., lords prayer, the central prayer of the catholic church, also known as the "our father.", eucharist, the ritual celebrating the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of christ., sacraments, the seven religious rites considered essential for the catholic faith., confession, the act of confessing one's sins to a priest., bible, the holy book of the christian religion, containing the old and new testaments., baptism, the christian rite by which a person becomes a member of the church., lent, the period of preparation before easter in the christian calendar., canon law, the body of rules and principles observed by the catholic church.

Catholic Crossword

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