Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Cryptogram

Download free printable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Cryptogram PDF to print on letter size paper.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Cryptogram

Our free printable Martin Luther King Jr. cryptogram is the perfect activity to help kids learn while still having fun. Teachers and parents, look no further for a fun way to teach your children about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!

This cryptogram contains a powerful quote from Dr. King himself, encouraging the importance of dreams and freedom for all people. As well as being educational, this printable also help kids unleash their creativity with its simple design.

Download our free printable cryptogram today to give your children an engaging way to understand the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!

Words to decrypt:
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Cryptogram

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